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“Hot Girl Summer” Checklist

“Hot Girl Summer” Checklist

By Beverly Fischer on May 27, 2022

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Not to fear, the “Hot Girl Summer” from last year is coming back soon and it’s ready for you to seize. We love “Hot Girl Summer” because it’s so much more than just looking your best. It’s about improving yourself and giving yourself the confidence to be your best self and put your best foot (and everything) forward!

We’ve created a checklist for the best HGS ever. Are you ready for your sweetest summer yet? 

Express & Empower Yourself

Give yourself the permission to be the best you and do what makes you feel alive. Have you been eyeing a tattoo? More piercings? A spray tan? Do it! Now is the time for whatever you want to do to express yourself to the fullest. When you use your power to change your world, you can make your dreams a reality.

Be Confident

Alongside empowerment, your job for this “Hot Girl Summer” is to give yourself a mantra and live it. Believe in yourself and watch the confidence flow. If your mantra is to reach a specific goal by a certain time, then do it! Surround yourself with people who will support you and hold you accountable so you can achieve your goals with flying colors. Whether your mantra is “I am beautiful inside and outside,” or “I spread kindness everywhere I go,” your theme has a magical way of making itself come true. 

Love Your Skin

No matter what your “Hot Girl Summer” goals are, they need to include proper skincare. Practicing good skincare will not only keep your body looking fresh and supple, but it can protect you from skin cancer and other sun-borne diseases when you’re walking across the hot summer sand or lounging poolside. 

The care you take now will affect your body for years to come. Make sure you’re using quality products, such as ones from Obiagi, and don’t put off receiving reviving facial treatments like HydraFacials anymore! Doing this can help you reduce acne and prevent wrinkles. It’s important self-care that makes a big difference now and in the future.

RELATED BLOG: Are You Ready to Try a HydraFacial?

Smooth Your Skin 

Most people envision their “Hot Girl Summer” without the hassle of hairiness. If you’d like a beautiful sleek body set off by your stunning suit and not your stubbly legs and bikini area, consider laser hair removal. With this easy treatment, not only will you be ultra smooth, but you can skip regular shaving, leaving time for you to focus on the more important things all summer long!

RELATED BLOG: How Can Laser Hair Removal Benefit Me?

Make Your Dream Body a Reality

Here at the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery (ACPS), Dr. Beverly Fischer believes that everyone who has ever had a “dream body” should be able to get it. She wants to help make your dream a reality, so as the final step of your “Hot Girl Summer” checklist, it’s time to truly make your body yours. 

Dr. Fischer and her team believe that everyone is beautiful both inside and out, but understands that aging, stress, pregnancy, and many other factors and life events can cause you not to feel that way. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Fischer to see what ACPS  can offer you. From seeking out “Botox deals near me,” to undergoing more complex procedures like liposuction, lip implants, facelifts, or breast augmentation, Dr. Fischer and the ACPS team are here to help you get your dream body!

Be treated to the type of service that only 20+ years of experience can bring. It’s best to get started sooner rather than later so that your procedures are fully healed for your “Hot Girl Summer” debut. Bring on the HGS season now!



Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery | (410) 308-4700 | Website |  More posts

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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