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Recipe for a Wrinkle-Free Summer

Recipe for a Wrinkle-Free Summer

By Beverly Fischer on August 15, 2019

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Wrinkle Free Summer Blog

These days, we know a lot more about the damage the sun can do to our skin. Modern women are less likely to slather on baby oil and bake like a side of bacon on a summer’s day as previous generations did. Of course, there are times when you get caught outside without your sunblock or floppy hat for protection.

If you want to prevent and treat wrinkles this summer, there are steps you can take to prepare for outdoor fun. However, you may also have to combat previous damage if you want to enjoy a smoother, more youthful countenance (and reduce the need for heavy makeup that will melt in the heat). So pull out your BB cream and get ready to slay it this summer. Here are a few ingredients to concoct the perfect recipe for a wrinkle-free summer.

Proper Sun Protection

The best way to go wrinkle-free is by preventing sun damage known to cause the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. If you know you’re going to be out in the sun for hours, a broad spectrum, UVA/UVB sunblock is a must. Go for a high number like SPF 50+. Keep in mind, no sunscreen will stop all of the sun’s harmful rays, but a higher number can equate to better protection that lasts significantly longer.

Related: Top 5 Sunscreens for Summer

For day-to-day face protection, a good moisturizer with SPF is smart, and you can even find some makeup products that include SPF. It’s not hard to find products that feature 15-30 SPF, and some offer even more.

In addition, it’s a good idea to keep added sun protection on hand, including a hat and UVA/UVB sunglasses. They not only protect your eyes from the harmful glare of the sun, but they also minimize squinting that can lead to premature lines around the eyes.

A Bit of Botox

So, you’ve spent a lifetime in the sun and now you’re paying the price. Even if you’re pretty diligent about wearing sunblock and sunglasses, you may still have some wrinkling due to your time enjoying summer weather. What can you do to reverse the damage?

Botox is an easy, minimally-invasive solution without much downtime. If heavy forehead creases and lines around the eyes are bothering you, a bit of Botox is a quick and easy way to relax those wrinkles and stop further creasing from summertime squinting.

Line-Erasing Facial Rejuvenation

What if Botox isn’t enough to do the trick, or it won’t address fine lines and wrinkles from years of sun damage and aging? You can treat even deep-seated wrinkles and other sun damage with facial rejuvenation procedures like chemical peels or laser resurfacing. In addition to addressing acne, scarring, and discoloration, these treatments can attack wrinkles and leave you with smoother, fresher skin that glows all summer long, and beyond.

You don’t have to let wrinkles ruin your otherwise youthful summertime look. To learn more about your options for facial rejuvenation and request a consultation, contact Dr. Beverly Fischer and the talented team at the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery today, online or at 410-308-4700.


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Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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