Liposuction: The Procedure and Benefits Explained
By Beverly Fischer on October 17, 2019
Liposuction Back to BlogAs we age, it’s normal to experience a variety of changes in our bodies, including weight gain, sagging skin, and more. Even with a balanced diet and regular exercise, your metabolism may slow, and you could find that you’re just not able to maintain the appearance and physique you once had.
The problem is that you cannot treat this issue with diet and exercise alone. No matter how many crunches or squats you do, you might not be able to get rid of stubborn belly fat or lower body cellulite. Whether you’re working hard and failing to see results, or you simply don’t have time to get to the gym as much as you’d like, it might be time to explore cosmetic options like liposuction. What can you expect from this procedure, and what benefits will you gain?
What to Expect
You’ll want to start by scheduling a consultation with a qualified doctor to find out if you’re a good candidate for liposuction. Talk about your goals and learn about what you can expect to gain (or lose) in the process. The procedure may involve local or general anesthetic, depending on the scope and area of the body where liposuction is performed, and you may be allowed to go home the same day or be required to stay in a hospital overnight.
During surgery, a cannula (a long, thin tube) is inserted into the region where fat removal will take place to target specific areas. In some cases, the procedure is assisted with sterile saline solution, UAL (sound waves), or laser energy that disrupts fat cells and makes them easier to remove.
Swelling, bruising, tenderness, and discomfort are common following this procedure, and you may have to wear a support garment and take OTC or prescription painkillers to ease discomfort and promote healing for a short period of time. You may also have to take antibiotics to prevent infection. Most patients can resume normal activities within a couple of weeks, but full recovery may take several weeks to a couple of months.
Benefits of Liposuction
Liposuction is designed to remove fat in target areas, helping to shed unwanted pounds, slim your physique, and in some cases, minimize the appearance of cellulite. This procedure could help to make your body look more proportional or restore a more youthful physique. Often, patients experience increased self-esteem and confidence in their appearance as a result of liposuction.
Why Get Liposuction in Fall?
You might think it’s wise to get liposuction before the start of summer, so that you can show off your newly trim body throughout the warmer months. However, you have to keep in mind that full recovery could take at least several weeks, leaving you with swelling and bruising that you’ll likely want to hide. If you get liposuction immediately before the start of summer, you’ll have to stay covered when you’d much rather be lounging poolside in your swimwear.
If you schedule liposuction in fall, you’ll have plenty of time to recover before summer, and even get back to your regular workout regimen to tone and tighten before you start flashing those abs. By the time summer rolls around, you’ll be more than ready to show off your beach-ready bod.
If you’re ready to improve your appearance with liposuction, contact Dr. Beverly Fischer, MD and the talented team at the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery today, online or at 410-308-4700, to request a consultation and get started.
Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.
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