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How Long Does Dysport Last?

How Long Does Dysport Last?

By Beverly Fischer on September 22, 2022

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Starting as early as our 20s and 30s, we notice wrinkles on our face. “What? I’m too young for these,” we think. It’s a frustrating fact of life. The delicate skin on our faces wrinkles early when we make repeated face movements, like laughing, smiling, or frowning. These “dynamic wrinkles” are a sign of a life well loved and lived, and unfortunately they leave their mark.

Frown lines (the distinct “number 11” that shows up between your eyes) can be especially deep, creating what looks to the outside world like a permanent scowl. And even though you know you’re smiling inside, your face may look mad, sad, tired, or just plain grumpy. These lines can be hard to correct.

The good news is: Dysport injections can help erase those frown lines.

What Is Dysport?

Dysport is a prescription injectable that can soften wrinkles. When properly administered by a licensed healthcare professional, it’s both highly effective and long-lasting. The medical term is botulinum neurotoxin (abobotulinumtoxinA), an acetylcholine release inhibitor and a neuromuscular blocking agent that’s similar to Botox but differs in several important ways. Dysport injections temporarily stop the very specific muscle movements that are creating these frown lines, or “glabellar lines,” in the first place. Dysport has different dosage levels and was designed to specifically target glabellar lines but it is widely used for the forehead and crows feet as well. 

The Dysport injection treatment is quick, lasting only 15-25 minutes—and it is done in the comfort of your provider’s office. You’ll have several pain-free injections in the brow area. Recovery is immediate, and the results are very good. Based on clinical studies, most Dysport recipients will see improvement in their moderate to severe frown lines; these lines are diminished or may even disappear completely. Patients are thrilled with the results and feel like they look years younger, with smoother skin and a happier countenance, looking like a huge weight has been lifted from their face.

How Long Does it Take for Dysport to Work?

Results vary with each person, but most users see improvement in moderate to severe frown lines between the brows in as soon as two to three days. The peak is typically revealed at around two weeks.

How Often Should I Get Dysport Injections?

Since Dysport is highly effective and lasts an average of three to four months and up to five months, you don’t need to have treatments often. To maintain the effects, it’s important to follow-up with touch-up sessions and supplement the treatments with a smart skincare regimen that protects your skin against sun and other age-accelerating factors, like stress, a bad diet, and more. Most patients need only two to three additional Dysport treatments to maintain their smooth brow since its effects are so long-lasting. You can receive a second treatment once the effects of the first treatment are no longer visible.

Say Goodbye to Frown Lines!

Dysport is a very popular injectable since it is easy, effective, and generally very safe. If you are considering the treatment, make sure to use a licensed provider that is well trained in the application since it can be easy for injectables like Dysport to be inadvertently administered. If too much is released, Dysport can freeze additional facial muscles and affect your expressions, giving you what some refer to as “a frozen look.” Not to worry. In the hands of an experienced professional, you’ll reap the benefits of this frown-changing treatment without having to worry about any side effects.

Dysport can make a noticeable difference in how you look—and how you feel. Dr. Beverly Fischer and her team at The Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery have seen the effects of this game-changer firsthand. They are experts at administering Dysport and other injectables, as well as many of the other complementary procedures that people often pair with them, including fillers, facelifts, and eyelid surgery. We would be happy to discuss your goals with you to see if you would be a candidate for Dysport. With a few simple treatments, you can turn that frown upside down and let your true self shine through! Talk with us today, and check our site often since we offer specials from time to time. We look forward to helping you reclaim your happy face!



Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery | (410) 308-4700 | Website |  More posts

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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