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5 Facials You Need to Know About

5 Facials You Need to Know About

By Beverly Fischer on November 10, 2021

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facials you need to know aboutAfter the difficult year and a half we have had, everybody deserves to treat themselves. In order to prioritize our individual well-being, it has become increasingly important to take some time to yourself. We know the perfect way to treat yourself – a facial! 

Not only will getting a facial help to rejuvenate your mind and soul, but it will also help refresh your skin. Taking care of the skin you’re in is important and has a major impact on the way you look and feel. With so many options, here are five to consider!

The Hydrafacial 

The seasons are changing, and for many of us, the cooler weather leads to drier, more dull-looking skin. Alternatively, the summer sun, aging, and various lifestyle choices can cause these frustrating changes in appearance. Luckily, there are effective ways to help brighten, tighten, and rehydrate your skin year-round – no matter the weather. Receiving a hydrafacial treatment can revitalize your skin and leave you feeling brand new. 

Hydrafacial treatments are non-invasive and provide excellent results. There are five critical steps to the hydrafacial: 

  • Cleansing
  • Exfoliation 
  • Extraction
  • Hydration
  • Rejuvenation

Additionally, hydrafacials utilize customizable serums that allow you to target specific skin care needs. There’s limited downtime after your treatment, and you’ll see the immediate results in the form of brighter, tighter, healthier-looking skin. 


Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are another excellent facial choice for many of our clients. You can choose between two chemical peel options based on your needs. Both the VI Peel and the Obagi Blue Peel utilize chemical solutions made from skin-safe acids to exfoliate the skin. These peels remove layers of dead skin cells, exposing the healthier skin underneath. 

There are plenty of benefits to having a chemical peel treatment. However, picking the best treatment for your skincare goals is essential to achieving the best results. For instance, the Obagi Blue Peel is often more popular because it is one of the most effective chemical peels available. It can remove fine lines, freckles, age spots, and shallow scars to leave you with a beautiful, fresh-looking appearance. Many professionals consider it the best chemical peel, thanks to its powerful results.

In turn, the VI Peel is great for addressing issues with discoloration and removing rough and dry skin. Keep in mind, the cost of a chemical peel varies based on the peel you choose and the rate you receive them at. There are generic chemical peels that are often more affordable but may not provide the same results as their more expensive counterparts. 

The PRP “Vampire Facial”

Don’t worry – a vampire facial isn’t as scary as it sounds. Plus, all of the celebrities are doing it! 

PRP facial treatments are a great choice for individuals who want to keep their skin looking smooth, young, and healthy. During your vampire facial, we will numb your face and perform a microneedling treatment and take a small sample of blood. Then, we place the blood sample in the centrifuge, which separates the platelet-rich plasma, otherwise known as PRP, from your red blood cells. 

Medical research shows that PRP works as a growth stimulant, increasing your body’s production of elastin and collagen. The production of these chemicals revitalizes the skin, improving your elasticity and firmness. This microneedling treatment leaves you with a youthful glow. 

Forever Young BBL

Many of us struggle to fix signs of aging and problematic skin. Laser resurfacing treatments such as the Forever Young BBL facial can help you rejuvenate your skin! This laser treatment uses broadband light technology to increase your body’s production of elastin and collagen. As a result, you’ll be left with a fresh face.

Forever Young BBL is great for the person looking to fix redness, sun damage, age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, and acne. It is an affordable and less invasive option compared to a traditional facelift and is one of the most popular procedures with our client base. 

Vivace Microneedling 

As we mentioned, microneedling is a great way to tighten, brighten, and rejuvenate your skin. Vivace treatments are a great way to treat many different skin issues. Vivace facials reduce the appearance of dark spots, acne scars, wrinkles, and stretch marks. Despite how it may sound, microneedling treatments don’t cause discomfort. However, they will leave you with radiant, healthy skin. 

If you’re looking to get in a little ‘me’ time before the holidays, we’re offering a great special for  Forever Young BBL and a package deal on Hydrafacials through November 30, 2021.  Request a consultation today before the holiday rush! 



Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery | (410) 308-4700 | Website | More posts

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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