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Thread Lift: An Anti-Aging Revolution

Thread Lift: An Anti-Aging Revolution

By Beverly Fischer on September 20, 2023

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unnamed (58)Thread face lifts are wildly popular right now and for good reason. These innovative
non-surgical procedures can provide the same benefits as face lifts but without the risks
associated with surgery, the longer recovery times, and the higher price tag. The only
downside? Their results typically last between one to three years, whereas facelifts can
last much longer. That makes thread face lifts the perfect thing to try if you’re
considering a facelift but not sure if you want to make the investment. You can see how
it will look and enjoy the benefits before you make the leap.

How Thread Face Lifts Work

Also known as lunchtime lifts, thread lifts look very natural and are a great option for
those in their late 30s to early 50s who are starting to see some signs of age that can be
remedied easily. The earlier these aging issues are addressed, the easier they are to
change and also to hold off in the future. A thread lift can help with jowls, wrinkled
foreheads, heavy eyebrows, excess skin in the under-eye area, and early loosening,
sagging, and wrinkling of the facial and neck skin. The lift can pull multiple areas up or
just focus on one.

Related: Sagging Jowls: Tips for Prevention and Treatment

Using medical grade suture material that your body will absorb, your plastic surgeon will
insert these threads with a small needle or tube (cannula) and then gently pull the skin
of your face and neck up to create a more youthful, smoother contour. The sutures have
small barbs that adhere painlessly to your skin to hold muscles and tissue and pull them
tighter as the thread is tightened. These barbs stimulate collagen production to create
new, firmer skin and fill any gaps in the sagging skin. Also called barbed suture lifts,
these thread lifts are different from facelifts in that they have very little recovery time and
no scarring. Results may take up to 6 to 8 weeks and multiple treatments are required
depending on the area of concern.

Getting Ready

Although it’s not a surgery, there are a few steps you can take pre-procedure to ensure
that your thread face lift goes as smoothly as possible and that you are happy with the
results. Your doctor may request that you:

● Stop smoking.
● Start taking specific medications—or change your current ones.
● Refrain from using aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements
since they can increase bruising and bleeding.

The Procedure Itself

There are a few simple steps for a thread lift. They include:

● Anesthesia: Typically, your surgeon will just use local anesthesia to keep you
● Threading: The threads are placed through tiny entry points, which usually
disappear after a few days.
● Passing the Threads: After the local anesthesia is activated, the surgeon will
pass the threads under your skin to gently pull back the facial skin and muscle to
create an overall youthful appearance in that specific area.

Thread Lift Results

That’s it! You’ll see the difference immediately (though it can take up to 6 to 8 weeks).
You can resume your normal activities right away. You might be more comfortable in public
about three to five days later, or sooner, once the swelling has gone down. Then, as
you heal and the swelling and bruising disappears over the next few days, you can
enjoy a more youthful face and neck.

Don’t Forget!

While this treatment stimulates collagen that creates newer, healthier skin, your face
and neck will still be subject to the effects of aging. That’s why we recommend these
steps to take extra good care of your skin:

● Once your doctor gives you the green light, moisturize daily with a good
moisturizer, both in the morning and evening.
● Use a sunscreen of 50 SPF+ whenever possible to protect your skin from further
aging and other harmful effects of the sun.
● Consider adding BotoxⓇ or JuvédermⓇ to your routine to maintain your youthful

Try a Thread Lift!

Are you considering a thread lift or a face lift? Both are wonderful options to refresh your
look, and we are happy to discuss your goals to see which one works best for you and
your goals. At the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery, Dr. Beverly Fischer, Dr.
Wilmina Landford, and the team are honored to be a part of so many patients’ journeys
and we share the same joy when we watch the transformations—both physical and
emotional. Talk to us today about what you’d like to achieve.


Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery | (410) 308-4700 | Website | More posts

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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