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How to Know if You’re Ready for a Facelift

How to Know if You’re Ready for a Facelift

By Beverly Fischer on May 12, 2022

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Ready for a Facelift | Dr. Beverly Fischer

A facelift corrects sagging jowls, unsightly necklines and pulls the skin on the lower part of the face and upper part of the neck tighter, resulting in a refreshed and youthful appearance.

If you’re on the fence about getting a facelift, or you want one but aren’t sure if you’re really ready yet, read on. We’ll cover how you can tell if you’re emotionally and physically ready for a facelift.

How to Know If You’re Physically Ready for a Facelift

First, we’ll cover the easy part – the physical side. Most people get a facelift between the ages of 40 and 60. The timing is personal and depends on many factors, such as your facial aging, your bank account and if you have the time to recover and heal from the procedure. If you’re experiencing the following signs, you may be physically ready for a facelift. 

  • Wrinkles around the mouth and nose
  • Sagging cheeks and jowls
  • A doughy jaw and neckline, even if you’re thin
  • Lost facial volume
  • Hollowness around the eyes and upper part of the cheeks

If you’re in good health, physically and emotionally, you may be ready for a facelift.

Also, when you look in the mirror, pull up and back on any sagging or loose skin around the back of your jawline. Do you like the result? If you do, you’re probably emotionally and physically ready.


How to Know If You’re Emotionally Ready for a Facelift

Some people also struggle with the more nuanced emotional aspects of plastic surgery. However, how you feel about your overall appearance is incredibly important for your self-confidence. You don’t let your house go without maintenance or a fresh coat of paint for too long. You don’t let your wardrobe become incredibly outdated, and you don’t let your car go without maintenance or cleaning. If you maintain and rejuvenate your possessions, why not your body and face, the ultimate things you own?

Your body and face are so important, not only for your physical health but your emotional health, as well. With a facelift, you’re just restoring a bit of what has been lost to time. Once you’ve decided you’re ready, the sooner you take the dive, the better.

A facelift from a skilled, experienced surgeon like Dr. Beverly Fischer will leave you looking like a younger version of yourself without that “pulled” look people sometimes think of. A successful facelift is one that makes the patient look refreshed and rejuvenated – like they’ve finally paid off their sleep debt, just returned from a long and relaxing vacation, or look exactly like they did about ten years ago.

With a facelift, you’ll regain your confidence and refresh other areas of your life besides your appearance. If you want to reverse the clock, increase your self-esteem and turn heads again, give the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery a call. They’ll be able to tell you quickly if you’re a candidate for a facelift.


Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery | (410) 308-4700 | Website | More posts

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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