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3 Ways to Alleviate Acne Scars

By Beverly Fischer on November 21, 2022

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Acne is bad enough. The red, angry blisters. The pimples that make an otherwise beautiful face a minefield. That’s all people see, you think. So you try to get rid of the acne and end up with something even worse—permanent acne scars. The good news is that acne scars don’t need to be permanent any more. There are ways to prevent it from happening, and there are also ways to alleviate scars once they occur. Let’s take a look at some of the newest treatments out there that are doing miraculous things with acne and its aftermath.

Why Does Acne Scarring Occur?

First it’s important to understand how acne scars even happen. Acne is an invader in more ways than one. A bad breakout can damage the skin and underlying tissue by penetrating them deeply. As the acne subsides, the body attempts to repair the damage by using collagen, a skin scaffolding of sorts, to rebuild the broken area. If the body uses too much or too little collagen, it creates a scar. Too much collagen builds raised acne scars and too little creates pits.

There are three common types of scarring:

  • Boxcar Scars: Thicker skin on the lower cheeks and jars more commonly exhibit these types of scars, which are boxy and large.
  • Ice Pick Scars: You’ll find these on the cheeks most often; they are small holes and indentations.
  • Rolling Scars: Much like a rolling hill, this type of acne leave-behind has a variety of depths with sloping sides, causing the skin to look bumpy and uneven.

Unfortunately, these scars do not heal themselves over time. In fact, they could get worse as you lose collagen over the years and the scars become even more prominent. So how can you prevent them from happening in the first place?

How to Prevent Acne Scarring

There are several steps you can take to avoid acne scars, although it can be difficult to prevent them from occurring. Many times people’s genes determine if they will show scarring. But if you can refrain from popping pimples or touching any acne breakouts, you can avoid the inflammation that can lead to collagen formations. You can also treat acne quickly and regularly to prevent it from getting more severe and causing worse scarring. 

Ways to Treat Acne Scarring

But acne still happens, even despite our best efforts to avoid it. If you are suffering from acne scarring, a number of solutions can help you eradicate or at least alleviate the bumps and pits. These are proven methods that have helped many people regain clear and beautiful skin and regain their confidence too. At the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery, Dr. Beverly Fischer and her team are well versed in these treatments, and have seen some great results!

  1. Microneedling: This simple and virtually painless skin treatment uses small needles that make tiny punctures in the skin, stimulating collagen production that smooths and tightens the skin. Microneedling also creates microchannels that cause the skin to break down scar tissue and deliver both resources and nutrients. In this way, the treatment enhances the texture and pigmentation of the skin. There is almost no downtime, and in one study, 83% of patients were satisfied with the results. While you might wonder “is microneedling permanent for acne scars,”know that it does boost production of collagen, so even if the effects fade, they do last a long time. When you use microneedling for acne scars, you’re using the power of collagen for acne scars.

  2. Chemical Peel: Chemical peels are one of the most effective treatments for acne scars, and also decrease any hyperpigmentation on your skin (darker sun spots and others). Using gentle chemicals to deeply exfoliate the top older layer of skin, chemical peels stimulate the production of collagen as well. They also uncover new skin to create a smooth and even blemish-free or less blemished surface. Chemical peels for acne scars are highly effective for atrophic (indented) acne scars, and can be used to treat hypertrophic (raised) scars as well. If you maintain a schedule of regular peels, you can eradicate both over time. 
  3. HaloTM Laser Treatment: This FDA approved laser helps with a number of skin issues, from acne scars to hyperpigmentation to fine lines and wrinkles. Halo works exceptionally well for the red or purple marks that show up after breakouts or when you’ve tried to pop a pimple. Laser resurfacing acne scars is also highly effective for the ice-pick small depressions. Halo works for these scars for the same reasons that the microneedling and chemical peels do. Like microneedling, it uses two types of waves to create micro-wounds in the dermal layer. Like a peel, it exfoliates the outer skin layer. In both cases, collagen and elastin come to the rescue, helping eradicate the scarring through faster cell turnover. 

No More Acne Scarring!

If you’ve suffered through acne, that’s suffering enough! No need to prolong it by suffering through their aftermath too. These treatments are easy, safe, and virtually painless. Most importantly, they work. No matter what type of acne scars you’re battling, you can minimize or eradicate them completely. Talk to us today, and we can help you create a plan for clear and beautiful skin—and a clear and beautiful future. 


Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery | (410) 308-4700 | Website | More posts

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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