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Part Two: What to Ask at a Breast Augmentation Consultation

Part Two: What to Ask at a Breast Augmentation Consultation

By Beverly Fischer on December 15, 2020

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what to ask at a breast augmentation consultationAlthough breast augmentation is far more common and certainly safer than it was decades ago, it’s not a procedure anyone undergoes lightly.  Most women spend countless hours conducting research to find the look they want, as well as plastic surgeons that meet their criteria for training, experience, and positive outcomes.

Even so, you’ll definitely want to consult with your preferred plastic surgeons beforehand to ask questions and make sure you feel comfortable and confident in the doctor you ultimately choose. Here are some questions you should ask during your breast augmentation consultation.

Are You a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon?

It’s essential that you find a professional who has the credentials and experience to safely perform your breast augmentation surgery and deliver the results you expect.  What you might not know is that some doctors market cosmetic procedures when they’ve only earned a medical degree, with no specialization in cosmetic surgery.  This is why you need to ask for proof that your doctor is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery before you schedule your procedure.



What Kind of Experience Do You Have?

One of the first things most patients want to know is what experience a doctor has, and you shouldn’t feel bad about asking how long surgeons have been practicing, how many successful breast augmentation procedures they’ve completed, whether or not they’ve had to do revisions on their own work, and even if they’ve been subject to any malpractice lawsuits.  A trustworthy doctor will have no problem answering all of these questions to your satisfaction.

Do You Have References or Testimonials?

Once you’ve established that you’re working with a safe and reliable professional, you probably want to see some of their work.  Many plastic surgeons can provide you with several before-and-after photos to display their work and refer you to satisfied customers for reference.  You should also ask if any of the staff have been patients – they are often a good resource if you have questions about what to expect, and they serve as the best referrals for any doctor.

Can You Offer Recommendations for My Surgery?

Although you have ideas about what you want, it’s always best to consider the opinion of a seasoned professional, who can help you decide on the size, shape, positioning, and type of implants to deliver the best results for your body and your lifestyle.

What Can I Expect During Breast Augmentation?

Your plastic surgeon will likely provide plenty of information on how to prepare for your surgery and what will happen during the procedure, but you might want to ask where the surgery will take place.  If it’s at a surgical center, you should find out if the facility is accredited, if they have the capability to handle life-threatening emergencies, and whether or not your doctor has admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, just in case.

What Can I Expect After Breast Augmentation?

You’re sure to have a ton of questions about what to expect following your surgery.  They could include questions about your anticipated pain level and how you will treat it.  You may want to ask about possible interactions with other medications you’re taking.

In terms of recovery, you need to understand how long to wait before you can return to work, exercise, and so on.  Many women also want to know if they can breastfeed following breast augmentation – yes, you can!

What are the Risks Associated with Breast Augmentation?

It’s normal to worry about potential risks like infection, scarring, and loss of sensation following breast augmentation, and you need to understand these risks before you move forward so you can make informed decisions.  You should also ask what happens if you’re disappointed with the results, and where you go from there.

What are the Costs?

Breast augmentation is considered elective surgery and is therefore not covered by insurance.  Since you’re paying out of pocket, it’s important to understand all the costs going in. The Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery also has financing options through CareCredit.

Ready to take the next step in finding the right breast augmentation surgery for you? Contact the qualified and experienced team at Beverly Fischer, MD and The Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery at 410-308-4700 or online to schedule a consultation.


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Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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