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How to Handle Unwanted Male Breast Tissue (Gynecomastia)

How to Handle Unwanted Male Breast Tissue (Gynecomastia)

By Beverly Fischer on February 22, 2023

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Many men are ashamed of their larger breasts, hiding them under bulky t-shirts at the pool or even binding them tightly to keep them down. Not only are “boobs” embarrassing for men, but they can be painful too. The extra weight makes it hard to do things, and it can cause rashes and other uncomfortable issues as well. 

What Exactly is Gynecomastia?

This condition, called gynecomastia, is completely treatable. It’s caused by an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen. While men produce both of these hormones; they usually produce more testosterone with a smaller amount of estrogen. However, sometimes there is a reason that estrogen dominates their body. It may be from a condition that blocks or reduces testosterone or from one that increases the production of estrogen. Both trigger the body to create more swelling in the breast tissue, and this can affect either one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. 

Gynecomastia is more common than you think! The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that between 50 to 60 percent of adolescent males are affected by this condition. It’s usually brought on by a higher-than-normal level of estrogen in the body due to puberty. By the time they’re in their twenties, most men have experienced a flattening out of the chest, but for some men it continues—and the numbers actually INCREASE.  

The NIH also tells us that about 65 percent of men ages 27-92 have some degree of gynecomastia. Similar to adolescent cases in terms of symptoms, they are generally caused by hormone imbalances that build up over time, but can also be a result of thyroid issues, cancer of the pituitary gland, or even the use of alcohol and recreational drugs like marijuana. 

How Do I Treat Gynecomastia?

At the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery, Dr. Fischer has perfected the following two male breast reduction surgeries (also known as man boobs surgery) to alleviate gynecomastia and create a more masculine chest contour. Not only are the physical changes dramatic, but the boost in self-confidence is also dramatic too. Additionally, the fat that is removed can be used to help shape the pectoralis muscle if you wish to do so. Here’s how to get rid of man boobs:

1. Liposuction: With this simple procedure, she will cut a small incision under the breast and remove excess fat with a cannula, leaving the glandular tissue  in place. At your consultation, she can tell you which type of incision is best and if liposuction will alleviate the issue. 

2. Mastectomy: This procedure removes the glandular  tissue. At your consultation, she will discuss incision options. 

What Can I Expect With This Procedure?

Both procedures require general anesthesia, but both are relatively quick. Post surgery, you’ll have dressings  and a compression garment. You can treat any discomfort with prescription medication. 

Recovery Timeline

Day 2: Sometimes you will be seen in the office in the next day. 

Week 1: Put your feet up! Rest is important to recovery. Your compression garment will help alleviate swelling and discomfort.  Some patients have drains, which get removed after the first week. You’ll keep the range of motion in your arms to a minimum and lift no more than five pounds. You’ll also need to refrain from driving if you are taking pain medications.

Week 2: Time to shower! You’ll keep wearing your compression vest.

Week 3: Last week to wear the vest. 

Week 4: You can resume your regularly scheduled life, including your exercise routine. If you have any small scars, they will likely recede within a year. 

There’s no reason to carry around the shame and embarrassment (and extra weight) of excess breast tissue. Dr. Beverly Fischer and her team have seen the incredible transformations first hand, and our patients have only wondered why they didn’t make the change sooner. You can feel good knowing that this simple and common procedure is a speciality of the Center, and can be a life-changer. Don’t wait to talk to us!



Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery | (410) 308-4700 | Website | More posts

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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