When to Start Exercising After Plastic Surgery
By Beverly Fischer on April 30, 2018

If you’re an active person, then having to rest and stay still for a month or so after your plastic surgery may feel like a challenge. However, getting back to the gym too soon may hinder and prolong the recovery period.
We get it: you’re excited about your new body shape. You look and feel amazing and want to maintain your appearance through healthy eating and exercising. But you need you give your body time to heal before you can use it to its maximum capacity. Sure, a few simple exercises can speed up recovery – if the doctor recommends them – but be careful not to go overboard.
So, when can you start exercising after plastic surgery?
Read on to find out.
General Guidelines
As mentioned already, exercising can not only improve your mood and mental health, but it can also boost the healing process. But that doesn’t mean you can get on the treadmill the next day after surgery. As a rule of thumb, you should avoid any activity in the first 48 hours after your procedure.
Then, depending on your health and how your body is healing, your doctor may allow you to engage in light exercising in the first two weeks after surgery. They can even help you with a customized workout plan. But don’t expect to be able to do more than just a slow pedaling on a stationary bike or a short walking session on a treadmill. Even a mildly intense workout can have dangerous repercussions in the first few weeks after your surgery. Also, don’t assume that if you had breast enhancement, then you can work your legs. You need to take care of your body as a whole.
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After Liposuction
If you feel up to it, then you may start to exercise lightly by the third week after your liposuction procedure. Until then, however, make sure to minimize your activity as much as possible. Keep in mind that depending on the area where you had lipo, the swelling may affect your range of movement. If, for example, you have swelling near your elbows or knees, you’ll want to avoid activity that puts pressure on those areas.
By the fifth week, your body will have healed enough (and the swelling will have receded enough) to allow you to include more demanding workouts in your routine, like jogging and even exercises that target your midsection.
After Breast Augmentation
Breast implants are usually placed underneath the pectoralis major muscle, which means that overstressing your torso in the first four weeks is completely forbidden. So, avoid lifting weights, doing push-ups or engaging in any activity that puts pressure on your chest and back. However, your doctor may encourage you to do some light exercises that target your lower body.
After the four-week mark, if you’re recovering well, then you may begin to exercise your arms, and then your pecs and chest.
After a Facelift
How can a facelift interfere with your workout routine? After all, you are targeting your body’s muscles during your workout, and that has nothing to do with your face, right?
Well, not necessarily.
In fact, you should avoid any activity that increases blood pressure. That’s right – no cardio at all. Even short walks or yoga can be dangerous, so wait until the four-week mark. Between week four and week six of recovery, you’ll most likely be able to resume cardio and all normal activity.
We know you don’t want to be bed-bound for a long time after you’ve undergone a facelift, but you should understand that your body has been put under stress, and it needs the adequate time to recover. Go easy on yourself and slowly work your way up to your former routines. Exercising can have great benefits in the healing process, but be cautious and remember to follow your physician’s advice regarding any workout plan to avoid any unwanted complications.
If you’re thinking about getting plastic surgery and want to learn more about the procedure and the healing process, schedule a consultation with us today, and we will help to answer all your questions.
Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.
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