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Breast Implant Removal: 4 Key Aspects Women Should Know

Breast Implant Removal: 4 Key Aspects Women Should Know

By Beverly Fischer on February 13, 2018

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Breast Implant Removal: 4 Key Aspects Women Should Know - Dr. Beverly Fischer, MD

Here’s an odd paradox: as breast augmentation becomes more and more popular, so does breast implant removal.

How is this possible?

Our society is making a cultural shift toward body-acceptance and the celebration of a broader spectrum of body shapes and sizes. Now, the epitome of beauty is considered a super-fit body, and many women choose to focus on that rather than making adjustments to their physique.

That’s not the norm, of course, and a large percentage of people, both men and women, are still eager to correct the things that bother them about their appearance.

But, let’s imagine for a second that you’ve decided that a breast implant removal is the right choice for you. You probably have a lot of questions about what this procedure entails, what are the risks, and what you should expect.

Let’s address them all below.

Is This Procedure Right for Me?

If you’re not comfortable with your implants anymore or if you experience sagging, then an implant removal may just be the right choice for you. Keep in mind, though, that the surgeon will first evaluate your overall health to ensure you are a good candidate for this type of surgery. If you suffer from any heart conditions or neurological disorders, then he might postpone the surgery until your health improves.

Breast Implant Removal: 4 Key Aspects Women Should Know - Dr. Beverly Fischer, MD - Baltimore, MD

How Much Will It Cost? Will Insurance Cover the Surgery?

The price may vary based on a variety of factors, like the length of the procedure, what it implies, and the experience of the surgeon.

Make sure you find a trustworthy and experienced doctor that can perform this surgery successfully. Although the procedure is rather standard, you want to minimize your risks and avoid potential complications.

You can discuss your payment options with the clinic and agree on a payment plan that benefits both of you. Scheduling a consultation is the best way to gather all needed information about costs. 



What Does the Procedure Entail?

Your surgeon can choose to put you under local or general anesthesia. Depending on his technique, the surgery can last up to three hours. The surgeon will cut open the incision he made in the first place when he inserted the implants. So, you don’t need to worry about additional scarring or unaesthetic signs.

How Long Will Recovery Take?

There is no exact answer to this question. Some people return to work the next day while others need a little more to recover. However, experts agree that recovery after a breast implant removal is more comfortable than your initial surgery.

You will experience a feeling of heaviness or tightness in your breasts for several weeks. That said, lifting anything beyond ten pounds is strictly prohibited in the first six weeks.

Another thing that you should keep in mind is that your breasts will not return to the way they looked before the surgery. That’s because the weight of the implant modifies your ribs a bit.

Also, don’t be scared by the initial “caved-in” look of your breasts after the surgery, as they will regain their volume and appearance in two-three weeks.


Opting for a breast implant removal is a personal choice. However, if you consider that this procedure is right for you, then at the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery, you can find a team of competent and experienced doctors that are eager to help you.

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Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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