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3 Tips To Get The Best Liposuction

3 Tips To Get The Best Liposuction

By Beverly Fischer on May 17, 2019

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3 Tips to get the Best Liposuction

Diet and exercise alone cannot always rid your body of unsightly fat pockets. Although, diet and exercise are needed to obtain a healthy lifestyle, neither are ion effective in transforming your body into that swimsuit worthy physique. Liposuction is a surgical cosmetic procedure that assists in sculpting the body by reducing stubborn areas of fat tissue.

Liposuction is one of the most desired forms of cosmetic surgery. Both men and women alike undergo this procedure to boost confidence and perfect overall body image. Within the past few years liposuction has gained popularity throughout the world as one of the various ways to promote weight loss. In the United States alone, liposuction is undergone more often than any other surgical cosmetic procedure.

There is an assortment of liposuction procedures: tumescent liposuction, Body Lift, tummy tuck, abdominal etching, and ultrasonic liposuction. Your specific problem area will determine which form of liposuction is best for you.

3 tips to get the best results  


Find your support network:

Surgery sounds like a promising way to lose the excess weight, but it’s by no means an effortless task. It includes drastic lifestyle changes that you must be ready to commit to. You don’t want to go at this change alone. Make sure to surround yourself with loving supporting people while you plan for surgery and during your downtime after surgery.




Find the Right Clinic

Finding the right surgeon for your operation is extremely important. After all, you will have to trust your doctor with your life. Feeling comfortable to work with your doctor is also key to your success. Most importantly, you should check their credentials to find out whether you’re dealing with a legitimate, board-certified professional.


Track Your Calorie Intake:

Some clinics may require that you lose a specific amount of weight before scheduling your surgery. This is mostly intended to minimize risks during surgery, and to test your level of commitment. However, adjusting your eating habits early on will help you get a head start on your post-operative life. Adding short bursts of exercise will further improve your physical condition.


Important guidelines after:

After liposuction, patients need to wear a compression bandage for several days, to speed up healing. Many patients return to normal activities within a couple of weeks. Discomfort after surgery is minimal for most patients, and walking can ease the pain of surgery. Medication can be taken if necessary.

Eating the right foods will not only help you with recovery, but also help you with medication side effects that may occur. Pain medication can cause digestive issues and therefore having proper fiber in your diet will help make your recovery more comfortable. It is also important to stay hydrated and eat regular meals to help prevent nausea from medication and help your body start the healing process.

Follow All of Your Doctors Post-Operative Instructions

One of the most important things to do following a surgical procedure is to follow all of your doctor’s post-operative care instructions. While this may seem like an obvious concept, some of the instructions may seem odd or that they may not apply to you, such as not vacuuming for weeks. These instructions are all important and have a reason they have been addressed.

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Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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