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What is Vivace and How Does It Work?

What is Vivace and How Does It Work?

By Beverly Fischer on February 20, 2023

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What is Vivace | Dr. Beverly Fischer

Time, gravity, and life take its toll on our bodies – both externally and internally. Although your energy is high, you’re working out, living a healthy lifestyle, and feeling great on the inside, that doesn’t always mirror how we appear to the rest of the world. Parts of you that used to be tight and smooth are now laden with sagging skin, acne scarring, or discolorations. This can leave you not feeling like your best self. If you’re interested in restoring your youthful skin and appearance, but are not sure if a facelift is right for you, Vivace microneedling may be a good choice! 

Vivace is a non-surgical facelift alternative that provides a holistic method of maximizing aesthetic results while avoiding patient discomfort. Vivace is fast, efficient and pain-free – making it perfect for women who are always on the go to restore their youthful appearance but wish to avoid surgery.

What Is Vivace?

Vivace is a powerful, next-generation microneedling system. Using incredibly precise, gold-tipped needles, an advanced motor and an advanced software algorithm, the Vivace system provides a powerful boost to your natural skin.

Microneedling works by using extremely small needles to pierce the very top layers of the skin. In turn, this spurs skin growth and collagen production. As your skin reacts to the penetration of the needles, the appearance of unwanted skin issues is reduced.

Vivace microneedling can be used as a facelift alternative to treat wrinkles, discoloration, acne scarring, and other types of scarring. By turbocharging the skin’s natural healing process, Vivace allows you to get the skin that you have always wanted – without a surgical procedure.

What Is The Vivace Procedure Like?

Vivace is minimally-invasive and designed to provide effective treatment while minimizing discomfort. The process begins with a specialized numbing cream. This cream is applied using a face mask and left in place for around 30 minutes to ensure that the top layer of skin is completely numb before the procedure begins.

Then the Vivace microneedling begins. The process typically takes around 20 minutes but can be shorter or longer, depending on your particular needs. You will feel no pain or discomfort during the process, though a bit of pressure may be felt when it moves over bonier areas, such as the cheekbones, forehead, and hairline.

After the Vivace microneedling treatment, you will be given a soothing serum and hydrating face mask to ensure that your skin is moisturized, hydrated, and ready to heal.

Typically, there are no symptoms after the procedure. However, you may notice a slight redness in the face for a few days, and itchiness can occur in some patients. Neither of these symptoms is a cause for concern.

You can take it one step further when you add PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) to your Vivace treatment. PRP is collected when a small sample of a patient’s blood is spun in a centrifuge, separating out the PRP from the red blood cells. 

PRP is typically paired with a microneedling treatments, like Vivace, rather than injections. This is because traditional injections simply aren’t plausible (as the PRP needs to cover a large surface area), but the PRP still needs to penetrate below the surface of the skin.

What Are The Benefits Of Vivace?

Wondering if Vivace is right for you? Here are a few of the benefits of this microneedling system. 

  • Opens your pores – This makes it easier to clean, hydrate and moisturize your face, and it provides that healthy “glow” you’re looking for.
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and scarring – As your skin heals from the microneedling process, the appearance of scars and fine lines will be reduced giving you smoother, younger-looking skin.
  • Tightens the skin – Because it spurs collagen production, microneedling with Vivace helps tighten the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, jowls and loose skin.
  • Pain-free with no recovery process required – As a non-surgical facelift alternative, the entire Vivace process takes only about an hour, and you don’t have to spend any time in recovery. You can go back to your day-to-day life immediately.

Interested In Vivace Microneedling as a Facelift Alternative?

You don’t need to go “under the knife” to tighten, firm, and beautify your skin. With Vivace microneedling from The Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery, you can get the skin you have always wanted – without pain or discomfort. Schedule an appointment today!

Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery | (410) 308-4700 | Website |  More posts

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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