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Botox vs. Dysport: Which One Should I Choose For My Lip Flip?

Botox vs. Dysport: Which One Should I Choose For My Lip Flip?

By Beverly Fischer on January 20, 2022

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Did you know Botox and Dysport aren’t just for eliminating wrinkles? They’re also the key ingredient in a lip flip that enhances the natural beauty of your face, lips, and smile. But choosing Dysport or Botox for your lip flip can be a challenge. Which lasts longer? Which one offers the fastest results? How can I decide which one is best for me? We’ll answer all these questions and more in this Botox and Dysport comparison.

What Is a Lip Flip?

Lip flips are a noninvasive lip augmentation procedure that relaxes the muscle above the upper lip. Unlike popular fillers (such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Voluma) that use hyaluronic acid injections to plump lips for a flattering look, lip flips rely on Dysport or Botox to work their magic. This difference allows individuals to receive a fuller lip effect while maintaining a more natural look. An added benefit of lip flips over fillers is that lip flips also help decrease fine lines and similar signs of aging that inevitably appear as we grow older (and wiser!)

How Do Lip Flips Work?

Lip flips work by relaxing the muscle directly above your lip. This creates a very natural look because, unlike using filler, it enhances your natural fullness and shape instead of altering it. This lip augmentation method can be much more subtle than fillers or implants and still allows natural movement of the lips mouth.

Where Do You Inject Botox or Dysport?

Botox and Dysport are injected into the muscle above the upper lip to create a lip flip. Injecting in this area relaxes the muscle, which allows the upper lip to roll outward, creating a fuller, more defined look.

Related Blog: Lip Flip – Everything You Need to Know

What Is Dysport?

Dysport is the brand name for type A botulinum toxin called abobotulinumtoxinA (ABO). Dysport can contain 300 or 500 units of ABO and is diluted to create varying effects. Dysport is used by cosmetic and plastic surgeons to provide lip flips and smooth wrinkles on the face and forehead. Dysport works by relaxing muscles in the face around the injection site. Dysport also limits the movement of muscles in the face to prevent the development or deepening of facial lines and wrinkles.

What Is Botox?

Botox is also a type A botulinum toxin, called onabotulinumtoxinA (ONA). Botox contains 50-200 units of ONA and is diluted by the manufacturer for cosmetic use. Botox is also used for lip flips and to smooth and soften facial wrinkles. Botox works by blocking the chemical signals that trigger contractions in facial muscles. This temporary relaxing effect is the key to Botox’s wrinkle-smoothing and lip-flipping magic.

How Long Do the Results Last from Each Type of Injection?

This is one of the most significant differences between Dysport and Botox. Dysport lip flips can be expected to last between three and four months, whereas Botox can last as long as six months. For injection-adverse patients, this difference could tilt the scales towards Botox for your next lip flip.

How Many Units Are Needed for Each Type of Injection?

The number of units can vary from person to person and should be determined on a case-by-case basis by a skilled cosmetic or plastic surgeon. Studies show that Dysport works at a 2.5:1 ratio – meaning that 25 units of Dysport are similar to 10 units of Botox.

What Is the Main Difference between Each Type of Injection?

The main difference between Dysport and Botox is the allotted time it may take to see results! Other differences to consider before scheduling your lip flip include Dysport’s higher satisfaction rate (90% vs. 75%) and evidence that suggests Dysport is less painful on injection compared to Botox.




Lasts up to 6 months


Lasts up to 3-4 months 


Takes effect within 7-30 days 


Takes effect within 3-4 days



Less pain during injection



Higher success rate

Which One Does Dr. Fischer Recommend?

Both Botox and Dysport are excellent for achieving your dream lips through a lip flip. During your consultation, Dr. Fischer will walk through which option is best for you based on your medical history and needs and wants. However, if you’re looking for instant gratification, Dysport may be a better choice for you, as it’s more likely to take effect within just a few days.

To learn more about lip flips, check out our blog. And to discuss Dysport vs. Botox for your upcoming lip flip with an expert, reach out to us today for a one-on-one consultation.

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Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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