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What to Consider When Planning for Gender Affirmation Surgery

What to Consider When Planning for Gender Affirmation Surgery

By Beverly Fischer on June 14, 2019

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If your gender was assignedincorrectly at birth, it has likely been a long and arduous road to finally considering gender reassignment surgery. Growing up transgender and deciding to make your body match your identity is not a set process, meaning that your path may be vastly different from the experiences of others in similar circumstances.

Future Fertility Questions

If you are transitioning female to male (FTM), you can certainly decide against a hysterectomy to retain your future ability to have children. There are several cases of transmen giving birth, with more cases likely to follow as patients make their parenting decisions based on their desires and not the hand nature has dealt them.


Those transitioning male to female (MTF) may want to consider banking sperm to allow for future biological children. If you are on the fence about parenthood or know you want kids in the future, consider making the process easier by retaining your fertility or banking the necessary components for conception or surrogacy.

Your Recovery Period

Research your options far in advance, as some employers have long processes for extended leaves of any type. If you have friends that only know you as your true gender, it may not be necessary to tell them about the nature of your surgery.

For friends and loved ones who only know you by your incorrect gender, have a coming out discussion with them as far in advance as possible. It can take people a long time to adjust to this huge change. Having all your friends, family and loved ones aware of the process and being supportive will ease your recovery significantly.

Legally Changing Your Gender Designation

With gender reassignment surgery also comes the issue of changing your legal gender to the correct designation on your driver’s license, passport and other legal documents. Educate yourself about the process so you can get these changes handled soon after surgery. This will save you any prying questions or embarrassing issues once you’ve recovered and resumed your normal routines.

Planning for your gender reassignment surgery can seem like a huge task. By keeping these issues in mind, you can go through the process confident and secure that you’ve covered all bases. If you would like to discuss your sex reassignment, get a second opinion, or you have additional questions, contact Advanced Center for Plastic Surgerytoday for a discreet and confidential consultation.

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Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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