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50 Shades of RejuVAnate – Part 2

50 Shades of RejuVAnate – Part 2

By Beverly Fischer on May 16, 2019

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Testimony - RejuVenate laser


I took a shower and it wasn’t until after I had finished that I realized, “Hey, that didn’t hurt at all.” I gave it the “wipe” test… and that didn’t hurt either! Oh my God… Is this working?!


My husband and I went to the beach for the weekend. True to his word, he didn’t touch me. :(



We had waited long enough (so not quite a full week, but…!), and I was ready to try to see if this is really working. Ladies… I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am thrilled with my results so far! No lubrication was used, no pain on insertion and I got my bell rung! I almost cried! I was so thrilled!


I asked my husband what he thought, as I had not filled him in on everything the RejuVAnate laser touted. He asked, “Is it possible that it feels tighter?” I wanted to jump up and down and scream, “Yes, yes, yes!”

Complete perfection!

I did still have a little bit of burning right afterward, but this dissipated within 20 minutes (unheard of previously). I wasn’t sure if that was because we didn’t wait the full week or if I was going to continue to have an issue. I am supposed to have three total treatments (spaced six weeks apart), so I will keep you posted.

Until then… happy girl. Happy girl.

Make sure to stay tuned for Part 3 of my 50 Shades of RejuVAnate journey!

Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery | (410) 308-4700 | Website | More posts

Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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