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Fall Skin Care Tips | How to Keep Your Summer Glow

Fall Skin Care Tips | How to Keep Your Summer Glow

By Beverly Fischer on September 24, 2018

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Fall Skin Care Tips - Dr. Beverly Fischer

As the temperatures begin to drop, and the days get shorter, we must all accept the sad news that another summer has come to an end. The kids are back at school, it’s time to start shopping for a fall wardrobe and it’s also time to start thinking about how to adjust your beauty routine to prepare for the colder weather. This article will give you some great fall skin care tips to keep your skin looking beautiful as the seasons change.

As the fall comes, the humidity in the air starts to drop making skin more prone to dehydration. Skin can also become dryer due to the lack of summer fruits in our diet and the cold winds that start to blow during this time of year. All of these changes call for a beauty routine update and here are some things you should start thinking about as fall sets in.

Change Your Cleanser

Because you sweat a lot in the summer, you might be using a clarifying cleanser, but for colder months, you’ll want something that is gentler and leaves skin moisturized. An aloe herb cleanser is recommended. Hopefully this will leave your skin feeling soft, but if it is feeling tight and dry, think of switching to another cleanser that moisturizes better or adding a powerful moisturizer to your routine.

Change Your Toner

While a rosemary toner might work well in the summer months, when fall begins, you might consider switching to one that is a bit more hydrating. A neroli toning mist is recommended as neroli works to regenerate skin cells and improve the elasticity of skin. It will also serve to refresh and invigorate. Note: Be sure to stay away from toners that contain alcohol as these will dry out skin.


Change Your Moisturizer

We sweat a lot during the summer, so a lighter moisturizer is ideal. In the colder months, we want something heavier, that will be more effective at penetrating skin. If you have oily skin, you can stick with lighter moisturizers during the day, but you may want to use something heavier for night time.


Exfoliation is a great way to minimize the appearance of dark spots on your skin that may have come with added sun exposure during the summer. It is also a great way to add glow to skin that may be looking dull as a result of the colder weather setting in. Because exfoliants can also over dry skin, go for one that is gentle enough to use regularly.

Reduce Pore Size

Pores tend to expand in the summer, so the fall is a great time to start treating them to reduce their appearance. Keeping them clean is key. A purifying mud mask will do the trick as the clay found in the mask absorbs excess oil working to shrink pores.


In addition to using moisturizers, there are many other ways to hydrate the skin. Be sure to drink plenty of water and add a moisturizing serum to your routine. Masks can be applied to add hydration to the skin as well. Look for ones sold in the drug store or you can make your own using ingredients like honey, yogurt, avocado, bananas, coconut, oatmeal, olive or jojoba oil, all of which will provide the skin with moisture and nourishment.

I know we are all sad to see summer go, but with these great skin care tips, fall can be even more fun! What will you be doing to get your skin ready for the colder months? If you’re looking to keep your summer skin all year long, get in touch with the experts here at the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery today!

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Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.

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