Beverly Fischer Beauty Blog

Do You Need a Breast Implant Revision?

Written by Dr. Beverly Fischer | Dec 7, 2018 4:17:16 PM

Breast augmentation is one of the most sought-after plastic surgery procedures available. Patients are not only satisfied with the physical outcome but also have an improved self-confidence.

However, as many people are aware, there may come a point when breast implant revision is necessary. There’s no clear timeline of when a person may need a revision, and in fact, some women never do. Let’s discuss more about breast revision and some of the signs that you may need one.

What is Breast Implant Revision?

Over time, breast implants can change for a variety of reasons. When this happens, breast implant revision may be the best solution. This procedure is intended to replace old implants with new ones. Other goals of breast implant revision may include:

  • Change the size of the implant
  • Correct capsular contracture
  • Address rupture or migration of the implant
  • Change type or texture of the implant

You may have heard that most people get breast implant revision surgery within ten years of their first procedure. However, this is not always the case. Some people never have additional operations, and in some instances, people opt to have their implants revised at about the ten-year mark for warranty purposes. Most manufacturers offer a lifetime warranty on the implant, but after ten years, the surgery costs are no longer covered. 

The reason people are informed that they may need a revision later is so that it’s not a surprise if at some point they must undergo additional surgery. Patients are generally advised that they should expect another one or two surgeries in their lifetime.

Essentially, the procedure is similar to breast augmentation, but additional care must be given to the original incision site and any existing issues with the implant. 

Are You A Candidate?

Generally speaking, breast implant revision should only be considered if there is an issue with the implant. keep in mind that the issue doesn't have to be a physical problem. If you struggle with the appearance, size, or shape of your implants, then you may want to undergo a breast implant revision o address these concerns. 

Remember that all breasts change over time. Even if there are no significant issues (such as capsular contracture or a migrating implant), gravity can certainly take its toll. Plus, all skin tissue is capable of experiencing sun damage or wrinkling, which may be more evident for individuals who have implants.

The being said, the most common reason that people choose breast implant revision is that they are unhappy with the size of their current implants. Perhaps over time, the breast has lost some of the volume it once had, or maybe the patient simply feels more comfortable selecting a larger or smaller size at this time.

Additionally, if you opted for breast augmentation before having children, then you may have experienced significant changes to your breasts during pregnancy. Often, women who’ve had children will return to have their breasts restored.

While there are certainly a number of reasons a person may want a breast implant revision, it’s only typical to have this surgery if there is a problem. There is no wrong answer here, and a skilled surgeon can help you identify the problem and offer realistic solutions.

Contact Us

Are you unhappy with the current state of your breast implants? We may be able to help. Please contact our offices at The Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery for a complete evaluation. We are committed to giving our patients the whole picture so you can choose the right procedure to look and feel your best.