Eye Lift

What Is an Eye Lift?

Eyes are the window to your soul, and a simple eye lift can change your entire look. For an eye lift, or blepharoplasty procedure, you may have either your upper eyelids or lower eyelids (or both) transformed to make your eyes look younger and brighter and your face more alert.

Drooping eyelids are one of the first visible signs of aging as the skin develops deposits of fat and the lid muscles begin to weaken. Dr. Beverly Fischer is a top female cosmetic surgeon in the Baltimore area. She’s adept at this procedure and can help you assess your current look and decide how to best enhance it.

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Reasons to Consider

Am I Ready for an Eye Lift?

Blame it on age. As we grow older, the delicate skin around our eyes can droop, making us look older, sad and more tired than we are. Extra skin can sag in the upper lid, and you might even feel a heaviness around your eyes.

On the lower eyelids, you may have bags or dark circles that are further accentuated by a crease between your eyelid and cheek. You’re a good candidate for eye lift services if you’re experiencing any of these concerns.

Benefits of Blepharoplasty

Eye lifts are relatively simple outpatient procedures that removes excess skin (and sometimes tissue) to define and awaken your eyes. If there are fat pads or severe bags under the eye, these will also be addressed. Results are truly eye-opening, so be prepared for a big change that really makes you look and feel refreshed.

Eye lifts offer aesthetic and functional benefits. This procedure is often necessary to remove vision obstruction and improve your vision.

Related Blog: Correct Drooping Eyelids with Blepharoplasty

When undergoing an eye lift, general anesthesia is available for patients that feel more comfortable being less aware during surgery. A no anesthesia option can be requested.

Schedule a Consultation

Fill out this form to schedule your consultation for a thoughtful, truthful recommendation from Dr. Beverly Fischer.

What to Expect

From the moment you walk through our doors until you’re ready to put your best face forward in the world, we love to pamper you. Our relaxing and inviting space has been designed to offer a spa-like experience, with a soothing environment and an unhurried vibe to get you ready to show off your refreshed look.

How to Prepare

At your eye lift consultation, Dr. Fischer will review your medical history and discuss your specific goals.

Pre-Operative Appointment

About three weeks prior to your eye lift, you’ll come to our offices to sign consent forms and receive pre- and post-operative instructions.

Date of the Procedure

For an eye lift, we’ll administer local anesthesia and Dr. Fischer will perform a 1-2-hour surgery employing the most cutting-edge tools customized for blepharoplasty. You’ll be able to go home that day. Any discomfort can be treated with prescription medication.


After Approximately 7 Days

You’ll be feeling well after about two to three days, and most swelling and bruising will have subsided by five to seven days (the longer period refers to both eyelids). Make sure that you’re getting enough rest and avoid strenuous activity for the first week.

After 1-2 Weeks

You can resume your normal routine, including more strenuous activity. We can discuss continuing enhancing treatments if desired to keep your skin looking its best.


An eye lift or blepharoplasty varies in cost from person to person. To learn more about the cost of your unique experience, please schedule a consultation.


We’d be happy to discuss pricing options and payment plans. Explore financing options through Care Credit today!

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