Beverly Fischer Beauty Blog

Lower Facelift vs Neck Lift: Which Should You Get?

Written by Dr. Beverly Fischer | Aug 4, 2022 2:00:00 PM

Over 131,000 people get facelifts each year, and that number has grown rapidly in recent years. In 2020, 160,000 people got neck lifts. These are two of the most common surgical procedures performed in the United States today. They are also two of the easiest to confuse. Lower facelifts and neck lifts may seem to many of us like the same surgery, yet there are distinct differences between the two. In fact, they are often paired together for optimal benefits. We’ll take a look at how their differences complement each other.

What is a Lower Face Lift?

Let’s start at the beginning. A facelift is a surgical procedure designed to reverse the signs of aging in your face. It addresses loose, sagging skin as well as deep folds and crease lines to help restore a youthful look. Generally, the traditional facelift includes the bottom two thirds of your face, including the midface and lower face. The upper facelift (also called a brow lift) is a separate procedure, but is often combined with a traditional facelift. 

To understand the lower face lift, it’s important to briefly review the other sections too:

  • Upper Facelift: Covers the brow line and forehead and addresses sagging skin and wrinkles in these areas. An upper facelift can often make you look ten to fifteen years younger.
  • Midface Lift: Covers everything from the corners of your eyes to the corners of your mouth, including your nose, cheeks, and the area above your upper lip. It addresses crow’s feet, sunken cheeks, under eye hollows, and dynamic wrinkles. You usually just need to have the surgery performed once for lifetime-lasting results.
  • Lower Face Lift: Covers anything below the corners of your mouth and your jawline. It can help erase deep laugh lines and fix sagging jowls and loose skin. Lower facelift surgery specifically tightens the skin, addressing laxity and drooping skin in the lower face, from the cheeks to the jawline. Lower facelift before and afters can be dramatic, with years removed from your face.

What is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is very similar to a lower face lift, but it targets slightly different areas, including a myriad of issues caused by stress, age and collagen breakdown, weight gain, environmental factors, heredity, or even gravity. These cause double chins and neck wrinkling and sagging (known affectionately as neck bands, turkey neck, or turkey wattle). A neck lift removes excess skin and tissue from the neck or jawline for a tighter, more contoured silhouette. It can also tighten the neck muscles to create a more streamlined, defined, and natural transition from your face to your decolletage. It does not involve the face.

Which is Right for You?

While both procedures are highly effective at reducing significant signs of aging and restoring both a desired tightness and an attractive contour, the one you choose depends upon what you’d like to address. If you’re bothered by deepening jowls along your mouth, or if you have loose and sagging skin below the corners of your mouth, you’d benefit from a lower facelift. If it’s the skin under your chin that bothers you, or you’re trying to combat double chins or even sagging turkey neck, a neck lift can make those disappear. 

If you feel like both areas could use tightening, then you can pair both procedures for an overall refreshed look. Many patients do this to keep their face and neck “matching,” and we recommend both to ensure that you love the results. If you have addressed the neck but not the lower face, you may be disappointed to still feel that you look older than you are. 

Related: How to Know if You’re Ready for a Facelift.

At the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery, we’ve been helping patients achieve exactly the look they want for over 25 years. Dr. Fischer has perfected the procedures to create a natural, beautiful look by massaging and sculpting the muscles rather than just tightening the skin. This creates an effective, long-lasting change that takes years off of patients’ faces and necks. 

If you’re wondering “how much is a lower face lift or neck lift,” reach out to us for a free consultation. Both procedures are likely more affordable than you realize, and we offer specials regularly to discount the price. There’s a reason that these procedures are so popular. Both lower facelifts and neck lifts are easy, safe, and effective ways to put your best face (and neck) forward. Call us today to see how we can refresh your look!