Beverly Fischer Beauty Blog

Halo vs BBL | Which is Right for Me?

Written by Dr. Beverly Fischer | Aug 31, 2023 4:47:10 PM

[Updated for 2023]

Laser skin rejuvenation treatments are a specialty at the Advanced Center For Plastic Surgery. The treatments are non-invasive and often takes only 15-30 minutes.. With regular treatments, laser skin rejuvenation helps reduce the appearance of sun damage, dark spots, acne scars and more.There are two primary competing laser rejuvenation technologies – Forever Young BBL and Halo Laser. While both are great options, this guide will help you to decide which one is right for you!

Forever Young BBL – The Basics

Forever Young BBL is a proprietary laser treatment that has been FDA cleared to treat sun damage, brown spots and other signs of aging. The treatment can also address other skin issues, such as age spots, freckles and small visible blood vessels. It can even help with reducing unwanted hair and control active acne.

BBL stands for “Broad Band Light”. Using powerful “broad band” photothermal energy, the laser gently heats the upper layers of the skin. This additional energy helps stimulate the cells, leading to a restoration of your skin to reveal a smoother and more youthful appearance.

SkinTyte, a component of the Forever Young BBL system, can also be used to tighten skin on the face, hands and abdomen.

By using multiple wavelengths of light, Forever Young BBL can address a large number of issues in a single, comprehensive device. In clinically-evaluated studies, it was found that Forever Young BBL led to skin that looked 10+ years younger, after consistent and regular treatments.

Halo Laser – The Basics

Halo Laser uses a proprietary laser-based treatment to address issues such as sun damage, scars, wrinkles, discoloration, scars and laxity. Experience great improvement to the appearance of texture and pigment. 

The first powerful fractional hybrid laser used for Halo Laser treatment penetrates deeply into the skin, and leaves most of the external treatment area unaffected. By targeting only deep tissues, exceptional results can be achieved with minimal patient discomfort. The laser energy targets collagen and other cells, spurring new tissue growth and a more youthful appearance.

The Halo treatment uses a specialized cooling unit as well as local anesthetic to reduce any potential patient discomfort, and the treatment is usually quite fast. A facial rejuvenation session typically takes about 45 minutes, but you’ll spend around 2 hours in the office, due to the local anesthesia and other preparation requirements.

What’s Best For Me? Halo vs BBL

Typically, we recommend Forever Young BBL treatment for patients who require treatment for multiple blemishes across different parts of their body, as it’s more flexible, faster, and usually less expensive.

However, for intensive facial rejuvenation, Halo Laser treatments are usually a better option, as they deliver targeted and focused results that leave skin looking much younger after 1-2 sessions.

Forever Young BBL and Halo Laser treatment are both offered at the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery. Schedule a nurse consultation with us today to determine which laser skin rejuvenation treatment is best for you!