Beverly Fischer Beauty Blog

Sweet Shot for Your G-Spot

Written by Dr. Beverly Fischer | Feb 5, 2020 2:07:00 PM

It’s not a secret that as you get older, specifically after menopause, your orgasms start to lose their exciting, scream-inducing strength. The amazing sensation you used to be able to have with your partner has tapered off and now you’re left wanting for more. First off, you aren't alone! This happens to a large majority of women around the world. Secondly, if you previously had the ability to orgasm and you’re looking to ‘get your groove back’ there is hope for you with the Sweet Spot Shot! 

What is the Sweet Spot Shot?

Let's start with the medical explanation, the procedure involves injecting platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, into the front wall of the vagina and near the clitoris. PRP, which is taken from your own blood, has been shown to encourage cellular regeneration and tissue repair, including stimulating blood vessels, collagen, and stem cells that aid rejuvenation. This could result in improved cellular function and new cells, potentially increasing sensitivity and blood flow to the area thus inducing your extra-strength orgasm.  

In layman’s terms, it allows you the ability to reach climax again, or if you’re lucky, reach an even higher climax than you’ve been able to before! We refer to this PRP treatment as The Sweet Spot Shot for how effective it is at restoring intimacy in the bedroom. 

Who Can Benefit from this Procedure?

Unfortunately, this Sweet Spot Shot, can’t give you ability to orgasm. It can only enhance your already existing ability to orgasm. 

It has the potential to increase lubrication, arousal, and sensation in and around the vagina and clitoris in some patients which may result in increased desire, ability to reach orgasm, and intensity of orgasms (woo hoo!)

As a reminder, It’s always best to discuss your desires and concerns with a qualified practitioner before undergoing this treatment to ensure that you understand the potential pros and cons associated with the procedure.

What to Expect During the Sweet Spot Shot

This outpatient procedure is relatively quick and painless. You can typically expect the procedure to take about 30 minutes, with your entire in-office experience lasting up to about an hour.

It begins by collecting a small amount of blood from the patient. The blood is then run through the centrifuge, which is a device that spins down the blood sample and separates it into its individual components. During this process, the plasma portion of the blood is infused with platelets that stimulate tissue growth. 

This mixture is what forms PRP and is extremely rich in stem cells and other growth factors that induce cell growth. The PRP is then extracted from the rest of the blood, and it’s injected back into the patient at strategic places along the vaginal area. It then starts the rejuvenation. 

What Results to Expect

While the procedure is relatively painless, it’s normal to experience minor cramping and discomfort for the first day, although you can resume normal activities immediately.  Increased volume in the area is immediate, but since new cell growth takes time, you can reasonably expect full results within about six weeks to three months. Additional treatments may improve results which typically last up to a year or longer.

Is This Procedure Safe?

With any procedure, including injections, there could be risks.  However, these are minimized when you seek treatment from an experienced and board-certified physician familiar with the treatment.  In truth, the procedure tends to entail minimal risk anyway, due to the fact that the PRP is your own to begin with and the needle is very small, but it’s always best to see a qualified professional for any medical treatment.

If you’re excited at the opportunity to have thrilling orgasms again and get back the your sex life you once had, the Sweet Spot Shot could be the perfect solution.  Contact Dr. Beverly Fischer, MD and the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery today at 410-308-4700 or online to schedule a consultation and learn more.