Beverly Fischer Beauty Blog

Neck Lift vs. Neck Tightening

Written by Dr. Beverly Fischer | Aug 22, 2019 2:36:37 PM

Does this sound familiar? You fix up your hair and put on your makeup in preparation for a new driver’s license or passport photo, and you’re feeling great...until you get a glimpse of the photo and you’re shocked to see how saggy your neck has become. Maybe you decided on a new summer hairstyle that gets your hair off of your neck, or you were out dress shopping for an upcoming event and tried on that plunging V-neck. Suddenly, the loose skin on your neck is a lot more prominent.

What can you do? First of all, put the brakes on the shame spiral you’re about to go into. Take a deep breath, regroup, and remember that there are plenty of ways to deal with the wrinkling and sagging that naturally occur as we age, or even the excess skin that can result from significant weight loss.

With both minimally-invasive neck tightening procedures and complete neck lift surgery to consider, you’ll find the cosmetic solution that’s perfect for you. What’s the best option to restore your youthful appearance and boost your confidence? Here are a few choices to consider.

Neck Tightening Procedures

If you’re not quite ready to take the leap into plastic surgery, you can still see dramatic improvement with minimally-invasive laser treatment options like Precision Tx and FaceTite.  Precision Tx treatment involves inserting a very thin tube under the skin and threading a laser fiber through it in order to directly deliver energy that disrupts fat cells in the neck and chin, melting them away to create a slimmer, firmer jawline.

FaceTite is another non-surgical option that involves creating tiny pinpricks in the skin so that radiofrequency energy can be administered via internal electrode. This works to eliminate fat and tighten the skin of the neck and jaw simultaneously, providing similar effects to a liposuction and neck lift procedure. While the results of these neck tightening procedures might not be quite as significant as surgical alternatives, they can deliver noticeable reduction of fatty pockets and a firmer, tighter appearance that many women crave, without the same downtime as surgery.

Complete Rejuvenation

Neck tightening can significantly improve trouble spots that are impacting your appearance and your confidence, but you’re going to see a much more dramatic transformation with a neck lift, especially when paired with liposuction for complete rejuvenation. A neck lift procedure starts with small incisions behind the ears and possibly under the chin to remove excess skin and tighten the underlying muscle and tissue.

Liposuction can be performed at the same time to remove excess fat pockets and further firm and smooth the neck and jawline. Patients can expect to resume normal activities within a couple weeks and see final results within a couple months.

Who’s a Good Candidate?

Every patient has different circumstances and desires when it comes to cosmetic procedures, and you’ll have to decide whether neck tightening or a neck lift is right for you. If you experience minor wrinkling, sagging, and loose skin in the neck and chin area, neck tightening procedures can provide the non-surgical maintenance needed to restore a more youthful appearance. If, on the other hand, you’re dealing with significant sagging, neck bands, and/or fat pockets due to aging and/or weight loss, a more comprehensive neck lift (with or without liposuction) may be more suitable.

Our experienced professionals are happy to assess your situation and make recommendations that deliver desired results. Contact Dr. Beverly Fischer and the talented team at the Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery today, online or at 410-308-4700, to request a consultation.