Beverly Fischer Beauty Blog

Latisse for Your Lashes

Written by Dr. Beverly Fischer | Aug 19, 2020 1:00:00 PM

Our eyelashes are delicate features of the face, and they’re prone to breakage from daily mascara use and washing, not to mention falling out due to rubbing or pulling, hormonal changes, disorders like alopecia areata, and the side effects of some medications.  Simply aging could affect the condition of your lashes, which may thin out over time.

If you’re not keen on the idea of donning false lashes on a daily basis, there is another option for you! There’s a long-lasting treatment for anyone wishing and hoping for long, thick, beautiful eyelashes.

Latisse was originally conceived as a treatment for glaucoma, but through testing and usage, it was discovered that this formula helps to lengthen, thicken, and darken eyelashes. 

Where Can You Get Latisse?

Latisse is available by prescription only, which means you’ll need a medical provider to prescribe it for you before you can get it from your local pharmacy or order it online.  Once you receive your prescription, the product is easy to apply on your own with included sterile applicator brushes.

All you have to do is remove contact lenses and makeup, apply a drop of Latisse solution to the applicator, and swipe it across the base of the upper lash line, blotting away any excess at the corners of the eye with a clean cotton pad. Consistent (daily) application ensures lasting results.

So What Are The Pros and Cons of Using Latisse?

Good candidates for Latisse must have healthy eyes and no skin irritation prior to starting treatment.  If you’re deemed a good candidate, you can start using Latisse as soon as you receive it, and you’ll start to see longer, thicker, and darker lashes. Latisse may also be suitable for use on thinning eyebrows.

By and large, patients are extremely pleased with the results of Latisse.  However, you need to know what you can expect before you move ahead with using this product.  First, you need to understand that Latisse is a prescription medication, and it is not right for everyone, so it’s important that you discuss usage and expected results with a qualified physician before starting treatment.

The most common potential side effect is itchiness and irritation on the sensitive skin of the eyelids, and if this occurs, you should stop use and contact your doctor.  This product may also cause some darkening of the skin on the eyelid at the application site (along the base of the lash line).  In rare cases, it has been found to cause hyperpigmentation (darkening) of the iris, but this shouldn’t happen if the product is applied correctly, as it should not get into the eye itself.

When Can You Expect to See Results?

Latisse works gradually with continued use, so you may not start to see results for about four weeks.  Within about 8-12 weeks, you should see noticeable lengthening of lashes, with some patients seeing thicker and/or darker lashes, as well.  Full results may take up to 16 weeks to develop.

If you stop using Latisse during the treatment period, your lashes could start to return to their prior state, although it may take several weeks or months to occur.  Once you have completed the course of treatment, you can discuss how to proceed with your doctor.

The Cost of Latisse

Latisse can be purchased in two sizes: 3mL or 5mL bottles.  Each bottle of Latisse comes with enough sterile applicator brushes for intended usage, plus a few extras in case of mistakes.  The 3mL bottle is intended to last 1 month and it costs approximately $110-120.  You can save a bit with the 5mL bottle which will last 2 months at a cost of about $160-170.

Are you ready to revive the lush lashes of your youth?  Contact the qualified professionals at Beverly Fischer, MD and The Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery today at 410-308-4700 or online to request a consultation and learn more.