Beverly Fischer Beauty Blog

Brow Lift: The Cure for Resting B**** Face (RBF)

Written by Dr. Beverly Fischer | Mar 14, 2019 2:00:00 PM

Are you always being asked if you’re okay? Or avoided because you look moody? Does your face give off incorrect impressions about your feelings? Do your eyebrows hang low on your face due to age or genetics? If this sounds like you, you might just be suffering from a common problem known as Resting B**** Face (RBF).

RBF can strike anyone, and it is important to know what you can do to help fix it. No one should have to suffer from this bringer of odd looks and unfair judgement. It’s not your fault! There is a cure – the brow lift.

What is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift is a surgical procedure that cures drooping eyebrows, smoothes deep furrows & rejuvenates the eyes. It can be performed during other procedures such as a facelift or an eye lift. Also known as a forehead lift, a brow lift helps lift your eyebrows to show off a more youthful appearance. Think more Cinderella and less Maleficent.

Possible Side Effects

Possible side effects of a brow lift include less wrinkles, a refreshed look and giving off a happier aura. Other possible side effects include portraying:

* A feeling of Happiness

* A sense of Joyfulness

* A desire for adventure and excitement

...and you will probably see more admirable smiles from others.

You can have a more youthful, happy looking face with a brow lift. It will do wonders for those who do have RBF. However, just like all procedures, you must consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to see if a brow lift is right for you.

Some people will decide to get a brow lift done while having another surgery such as a facelift,  eye lift or blepharoplasty. It will depend on the needs of the person since everyone’s circumstances are different.

Luckily, you have come to the right place! Dr. Beverly Fischer and her team are experts in brow lift surgery and are happy to consult with you. Dr. Fischer brings over 20 years of experience in transforming the lives of her patients, both emotionally and physically.

Schedule a consultation today and let the team at The Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery help you achieve a happier, less moody looking you!