BioTE Supplements: Yes, They are Worth the Hype!
By Beverly Fischer on August 26, 2020
BioIdentical Hormones

Hormones are responsible for regulating a variety of bodily activities, from growth and development, to reproductive cycles, to metabolism, heart rate, sleep patterns, and more. It’s not unusual for hormonal fluctuations to occur naturally throughout our lives.
However, we can also experience hormone imbalance due to stress, poor diet, weight gain, illness, or any number of internal and external factors. Whenever hormonal imbalance occurs, it could lead to a host of unwanted side effects. This is where BioTE comes in.
What is BioTE?
BioTE is a form of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). It involves the use of hormone pellets designed to emulate your body’s normal hormone levels. The process begins with a consultation with a trained and certified BioTE provider, followed by lab work to examine health and hormone levels, and determine if BHRT would be beneficial.
If you are a good candidate, your BioTE provider will create a formula specifically tailored to needs and work with a specialized pharmacy to custom compound BioTE pellets that mimic your natural hormones. While many women turn to generic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during major hormonal changes like menopause, BioTE is actually designed to biologically match your specific hormones, at the molecular level, providing the most natural and effective balance.
Once the pellets are ready, you’ll visit your qualified and experienced BioTE provider to have the pellets inserted subcutaneously during a quick and easy in-office procedure. The treatment should begin to take effect within 4-6 weeks, providing a consistent release of hormones. As your hormones balance and optimize, you’ll not only experience symptom relief, but the lasting benefits of addressing the source of the problem.
What is BioTE Good For?
BioTE is the ideal form of HRT for both men and women experiencing hormone imbalance, and it can help to significantly improve quality of life. Hormone imbalance can cause all kinds of symptoms, such as fatigue, weight gain or loss, digestive problems, aches and pains, decreased sex drive, anxiety, depression, and more.
With a BioTE supplement fine-tuned to your body, you could experience better sleep, higher energy levels, increased sex drive, and other improvements. It can also work to alleviate symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, and it can even help to protect your bones. BioTE can treat the frustrating and even debilitating symptoms of hormone imbalance and help you to feel better and live your best life.
How Quickly Does It Work?
Once your custom compounded pellets have been inserted subcutaneously by a certified BioTE provider, it can take about 4-6 weeks to start experiencing the benefits of this treatment. Hormone imbalance doesn’t happen overnight, but you can start to see improvements in just a few weeks with BioTE therapy designed to perfectly suit your body and your needs.
Different Uses for BioTE
You might think BioTE is reserved for major hormonal shifts like those experienced during menopause, but there are many more uses for this revolutionary, hormone balancing treatment. BioTE DIM (Diindolylmethane) can help to improve immune function, while BioTE Probiotic contributes to better gut health.
BioTE ADK5 and ADK10 support strong, healthy bones as we age, and BioTE Multivitamin promotes better overall health and wellness. Hormone imbalance can impact wide-ranging bodily function, but BioTE can help you to address symptoms, regain hormonal balance, and take back your life.
If you’re experiencing hormone imbalance and you’re ready to reclaim your life, contact the qualified team at Beverly Fischer, MD and The Advanced Center for Plastic Surgery today at 410-308-4700 or online to schedule a consultation and find out if you’re a good candidate for BioTE
Dr. Beverly A. Fischer is passionate about her role as a leading female plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland and beyond. She believes that plastic surgery makes a positive, life-changing difference, whether you’re renewing your body, face, and skin or embarking on an entire gender transition.
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